I could watch haunting of hill house again, but definitely not bly manor.

Thank god I looked way to far to find this. There’s no way this many people enjoyed Bly Manor this much. It was boring as all hell. And the worst sin of all it wasn’t even scary. It was a goddamn DRAMA.

And I’ll say that I’m biased. The ONLY expectation I had high hopes for was this show being as scary as the first and it didn’t even hold a candle to it. Why call it a haunting of a manor when the goddamn manor wasn’t even haunted? And the entire episode of Hannah figuring out she was dead? That doesn’t need a whole episode that needed 10 minutes at first.

Just disappointing and I give it a couple more weeks before everyone else stops defending this season like it was some how better the season 1. It wasn’t even close. No one asked for the melancholy drama we wanted scares. We wanted horror.

/r/HauntingOfHillHouse Thread