I could take a wolf on in a fist fight and win

a wolf could bite through a moose femur. why the hell do any of you think you could just "sacrifice a limb"?? have you ever broken a bone? because this isn't that. a wolf biting your arm wouldn't break it. it would shatter it. I promise, you're not focusing on trying to choke it out. as a martial artist, you should know better. have you even ever seen anyone keep fighting through a break? no. that's ridiculous.

I'm not even gonna argue that they don't hunt alone. we're gonna talk 1 on 1. it's definitely not going for your arm, it's going for your throat. it wants you dead. how are you gonna stop it from biting through your throat? a full grown wolf could fit your head in its mouth and break the skull. this hypothetical wolf is literally twice the size you're picturing it, and it's stronger and faster than you realize... you'd have shattered bone before you realized you'd been bitten.

we're only "top of the food chain" thanks to tools and weapons. I'm gonna assume you're joking and just take the L of having wasted my time lol

/r/unpopularopinion Thread