Couldn't decide whose hand to hold!

Look at the mop on this little one! This kid isn't even 42 months, yet has more hair on their head then I do at 42 years.

I don't think my daughter had this much hair until she was 2 or 3 years old. For a time after she was born I used to call her Foreman, because her head was as smooth as the surface of my Lean Mean Fat Reducing Grilling Machine... or so I tell her anyway. I don't think she's ever seen George Foreman and has yet to come to the realization of the true origin of the joke. One day she'll realize though, and all these years will have been worth it.

What an incredibly adorable little bit, though. That brief moment of confusion, followed by mimicking mom and dad's response? One of the most pure human reactions you'll ever see.

It's amazing how every person alive, even the most heinous of us, were exactly this innocent and genuine.

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