Coun. Gian Carlo Carra facing a charge related to April altercation

Let me say first that I am FAR from a fan. I'd have voted for a cold bag of vomit over him.

That said, I know the street this happened on and it is the WORST. Access to and from Memorial has people speeding off and on to it without any regard for the tons of pedestrians in the area.

I've almost been hit more than once. You're a pedestrian? Fuck you get out of the way. Lucky if a car stops for you.

I was crossing once with my mom who isn't that fast so I slowed down to walk by her side. This guy rolls right up to within a foot of me and continues to roll while we're crossing. Had I stopped or she fell, we'd have been under his car. I looked at him, shook my head and he started screaming - with his kid in the car. Gave me the finger, went totally bananas. It's like you're illegally crossing Deerfoot or something. The road is poorly designed and it absolutely needs addressing.

GC lives on that corner (I've seen him) so I'm sure he sees this all of the time. I don't know what really happened but there is no shortage of bad drivers on this road.

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