Countering Islam on Reddit

However, it's false to claim that it promotes a pacifist philosophy.

truth is spoken! Islam means submission (by the sword), not peace.

I should clarify, fighting back does not always means to physically fight back, it can mean standing up for yourself, raise awareness, protest etc etc.

the 'small' jihad..

In Islam, war of aggression is not allowed.

BAHAHAHAHAHAHA SERIOUSLY?! I guess Mohammad's actions - as the perfect human being - aren't to be followed! Dar-Al-Harb isn't part of Islam! Conquering the ME, north Africa and southern Europe doesn't count. Couldn't get the religion going when he talked about it, so he had to become violent.

Suits a child-rapist, no? They must've all done something to aggrevate the islamic world. I dunno what.. maybe existing or like occupying their own lands?

Often times this is due to political reasons rather than religious

Oh shit son! It's like you can bullshit better than our politicians! Because everyone in the western world MUST be Christian, everyone we bomb in the Middle East must be muslim! You're the next Ben Afflec! Our efforts to liberate the middle east can only be met with maximum terrorism! Feel free to burn that strawman like isis did the jordanian pilot.

Islam was spread both peacefully and with war.

No, Islam was spread only with war at first. When Mohammad introduced Islam in what we know now as Saudi Arabia and Israel, he was mocked and laughed out of the room. Only once he brought the sword and violence, his conversions had effect. Islam was an impotent religion until mohammad introduced the sword.

That depends, early Islamic states were a safe haven of Jews, for example

OH MY LORD OH MY SIDES! Let's just disregard the 600 jews mohammad massacred at one point. No compulsion in religion? Can't force anyone, eh? No compulsion means giving them the option of converting, paying jizya or being killed. Those living under Jizya should be embarassed, according to mohammads word.

First, there is no one Sharia law, there are over 72 sects in Islam and all have their own Sharia (law).

There is one qur'an, there is one hadith and one sunnah. While we can piss about claiming which which hadith or sunnah are from trustworthy sources, qur'an stays qur'an. Major beliefs stay major beliefs. Sunnis killing shias killing alevites stays the same. They all kill infidels and kuffar.. well apart from the

alevites. Invoke no true scotsman if you like. Tell them to stop, not us. We're not the ones killing them.

For Muslims, there is no hard set rule that you must admire/respect/emulate him

Don't bs. Mohammad is the perfect human being that is to be held in highest regard, and his actions copied, but not worshipped. He lived the life all muslims should follow. Yes, maybe not you - but hey, no true scotsman, what what? Guess you aren't a true muslim.. shit, what's Allah gonna say? Gotta love those salafis and wahabis.

Apparently, they'll use a stick as their toothbrush. HOW PROGRESSIVE, THE PROPHET HAD A TOOTHBRUSH! Mohammad is the leader of the islamic faith. All (male) muslims must follow his example. As such it is spoken by that barbaric book.

That Muslims want to part of a multi-cultural world.

AHAHAHAHAH God damn! A multi-cultural world..! When I walk through the muslim ghettos we have in my country, I see one thing: MONOculture. In the islamic ghettos I see no diversity, I see no tolerance. I wonder, should Islam ever get the upper hand, will we still be so diverse and multi-cultural as we are now? When I look at the

islamic past, I see nothing but minority cleansing. convert, die or pay mega taxes jizya. Yes, that monoculture we're breeding in europe? Best ever, best multiculti ever. So gay people, how will they be treated in our multi-ethnic mega-diverse suburbs? yes! As lepers to be hanged! what about our atheists? oh, those without God are hanged first? That's how it works in those "multi-cultural" actually mono-cultural suburbs that have introduced sharia law, seeing that no western police force dares enter them wihtout a six-pack or swat team as back-up! But hey, that must be "non-cultural", as we've been told. We must all be racist or something! Shit. Can I move to Iran if I'm gay?

Having said that Islam is a missionary religion just like Christianity, there is always encouragement to preach to others, so the goal ultimately is to convince

people to become Muslims, but not through violent or oppressive means but out of free will and their own choosing.

No, of course not. There's dawah, which means bringing people to the faith, essentially being a missionary. nothing wrong with that at the first glance, but islam doesn't play by the rules. At first, they invite everyone to islam (dawah). once they've invited everyone, they've done their dawah part - the next step is "NO COMPULSION IN RELIGION" where they kill those who don't convert. Oh, you can also pay taxes that are exorbitant. It's called jizya. They'll explain it to you. Vice did a film on that; google vice and islamic state.

But my main questions at the end of this discourse I have, is why are you telling us this? Why aren't you telling this to your muslim brethren? We aren't the ones bringing your religion into disreputation. We're dealing with the fallout. Talk with those responsible, not with us. All we're doing is looking at Islam objectively and

only seeing shit! We see a bunch of religious cunts fucking up the world and then some other cunt from that religion dares come to us and tries to claim that WE

should change our opinion! That WE are in the wrong! WE need to think differently about Islam! Fuck off!

Seriously, you can go and fuck off, twice now! How dare you come here and try to spin your barbarian religion! How dare you come here and think it's a valid tactic to explain to US and not the muslims who create these daily ATROCITIES that we have misunderstood Islam! GO FUCK YOURSELF!

You come here and dare claim that everything we've read in the quran, hadith, sunnah, everything ALL our news-outlets say, everything we see every day on our streets and in our cities, in Syria and Iraq, Nigeria, Somalia and dear me.. how many more.. is wrong! And then you dare claim we, WE, WE, have misunderstood Islam! You can fuck off! We haven't misunderstood Islam, we're dealing with your fucking believers owning up to their religion!

Go speak to your like-minded pals and tell them they aren't living up to the prophets expectations - even though they're doing exactly that! Go tell them they need to change their behaviour! They are the ones stoning women for being raped, they are the ones executing gay people, they are the ones cutting off hands for stealing, they are the one's suicide bombing!

The next time you dare come here or anywhere western, remember this: you need to explain to your fellow muslims that they are not acting the faith - even though they are. Islam needs a reformation, of which muslims need to decide their own faith. For Islam to be compatible with western values, Islam needs to shed all calls to violence, all calls to oppression, all calls to differentiating between genders as a basic start!

Until your faith is reformed, there is no place in the western world for Islam.

This subreddit is pro free-speech. You will never be banned for your opinion. You will obviously be mocked and countered by basic historical facts - as any believer of the islamic faith.

/r/IslamUnveiled Thread