coupon code not working .. tmdnwu

Let's be honest we know the company likely didn't foul this code up, yet this barely sober curmudgeon will blame everything else accept himself for the botch. He likely changed the password to PeriodBloodOnTheGymClassRope. The sick little freak, granted I've watched Cobes for many years. But when he mentioned 13-14 year old girls having their periods on gym class ropes I was like Jesus Christ there's so much wrong with that. Dude we get it your wet deformed underdeveloped brain is stuck at the age of 11, however that doesn't mean nor gives you the right to comment on creepy sick shit like that. Not too mention I think his nasty ass had a nickname for it, but the term escapes me. Christ he's foul

/r/kingcobrajfs Thread Link -