Cousin Carnie [Part 5]: The Infestation

This is so similar to a conversation I had with my new coworker. She’s 20 but can’t stay on her feet too long at our job (retail) and breathes like a sleeping old dog. She literally is the laziest and whiniest person I’ve ever worked with.

Well, last month I came to work and went into the break room to sit down on the futon and eat before my shift. And of course Coworker is sitting on the futon too chowing down on a ham sandwich (cannibalism?). I sit next to her and pull out my food.

Me: “how was your weekend?”

Coworker: “It was good. But this morning me and my boyfriend had to wake up early and put our cats in the car because the exterminator came to kill the fleas. It was so much work.”

Me: literally sitting right next to her, I subtly move my purse closer to me Fleas?

Coworker: Yeah my house and my boyfriend’s house had infestations. lazily shrugs and eats sandwich like a cow It was fine though, they’re gone.

Me: Oh ok, so how do we make sure they don’t spread to work? (We work at a Fucking clothing store)

Coworker: well I dunno (basically gives a completely lazy answer that shows no concern whatsoever.)

And not to mention when I went to the cubby her coat was literally hanging OVER my coat. Like she put it straight over my coat hanging. Have some Fucking situational awareness ????

/r/fatpeoplestories Thread