Covid-19 could kill millions in Africa without immediate action: UN chief

But to be clear. We could avoid this. If we are lucky the virus will stop it's mutation push along with the climate change that will not support it as well, and this could wrap up soon. There is merit to those variables changing a lot. But it is a save by luck and timing. Save by issues outside our control. If it does not happen we only have the things in our control. And all you have to do is look at the numbers to understand we are not doing great with this issue. For example... And I want to stress this is just one piece of information but it is important. Its not a defined fact of mortality rate. Mortality rates are dynamic, not static. I understand that and want it to be clear. But as of now... Closed cases data. So these people got the virus and survived or not. 137,000 survived. 28,000 died. That's a 17% mortality rate. Based on the cases that are completed. Which is a good sample of factual data.

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