Covid-19 has damaged the trust Canadians have in their American neighbours, while U.S. residents collectively have more faith in their northern counterparts than they do in themselves, a new online poll suggests.

Population does matter in death per 100k. It means there are more people for the hospitals etc to worry about and that causes more deaths as they can't always help everyone.

It's also a fact that the majority of gun shootings are gang violence. Look it up on, moron. The amount of deaths in the US by mass shootings (The only thing Reddit talks about) is about 1% of all gun related deaths in the US. The majority of gun deaths in the US are suicide and the next highest is from stolen hand downs in cities.

It's not racist propaganda. It's a fucking fact.

as you can see the majority of gun deaths in the US are from hand guns, not the "evil white man with a AR15" that Reddit pushes every single day.

The majority of gun related deaths are from gang shootings with stolen hand guns. You might actually want to learn somthing, instead of spreading lies yourself.

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