COVID-19 hit the working class hardest — just when it was finally doing better

Sorry phone died in middle of my response but yeah this all makes way more sense over the fear mongering and just pure craziness you get on all media Platforms lately it’s hard to know what to believe in anymore this whole thing has just been absolutely insane all of 2020 was just pure chaos.Up until this election I have always kind been in middle ground on politics I didn’t really like either party 100% but before this election but I leaned more democrat like 60% and like 40 republican but after watching this whole reality tv show that this election has been I noticed all the democrat censoring on all platforms so I jumped to more into conservative side of news and I was actually getting the real story of what was really going on. I had my point of view on politics completely change after watching all the craziness unfold it caused me to change my perspective completely to where I’m like 80% R 20% D because there are still a few key personal opinions so I don’t fully take on the 100% conservative perspective but now I do consider myself a Conservative over whatever tf is going on over there right now.

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