COVID-19 Megathread #7

I just lost my temper with my grandfather. So I said in a post a few days ago, I visit them everyday. I only live a couple blocks away, they're almost 88, so I stop by just to say hello and see if they need any help.

For the past week and a half, I'm still stopping by, but I'm just staying the doorway. The only times I've gone in are to carry up a case of water or something heavy from the basement really quick and not going near them.

My grandfather though, who is fully cognitive, and someone I've always considered intelligent, is being an idiot.

Since Monday, he's been to the grocery store 5 times. Today I found out he went again and he said, "I couldn't find anything on my list so I ended up just wandering the aisles for about an hour and a half seeing what was around....*I guess I'm going to try another grocery store tomorrow."

I went off on him and told him how stupid he was being. He spent two weeks in the hospital in February for a pulmonary embolism. He was lucky to survive that at 87. Two weeks ago my grandmother was in the hospital for pneumonia.

And here he is, wandering about in public, inviting me over to eat dinner with them every night this week, and just not getting it.

The most annoying thing is they have enough canned food in their basement to last them probably three months, and they can barely close their freezer with all the frozen meats they have (they're the buy food every time it's on sale even if they don't need it kind of people).

I feel bad for losing my temper, but I'm out of work because of this now, I'm trying to take care of them, I'm trying to take care of my father who is in his 60's with severe copd and heart failure, and he also insists on going to stores himself still, my sister in law is 7 months pregnant but still working because she's in the healthcare field, I've got electrical issues in my house but can't find an electrician, it's not fucking easy.

If family members could just stop being stupid, it would be a lot easier.

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