Why is it that COVID-19 now kills more Americans than 9/11 every week, but America has not had even one half-mast flag?

I love that you bring your grandfathers up. That’s my favorite when people haven’t done shit with their lives and rely on what others have done. Protest is fine, disrespecting the flag is not, rioting, looting, murdering is not and never will be. Maybe you should wake up and stop letting the media brainwash your fragile mind. You want to make a difference? Become a doctor, lawyer, police officer, or teacher. But you won’t you’ll just sit in your moms basement and play video games and complain about how the world wrongs people like a true victim. Oh I do live in a free country I love so I can call out bullshit when people say it unlike the America Antifa wants where you’re only allowed to agree with the platforms views.

/r/TooAfraidToAsk Thread Parent