The COVID protests have taken away all my hope for humanity.

I don't understand why people like you cant see that both concerns, financial and physical well being are legitimate. What about the hypothetical someone you might infect by going back to normal that ends up dying from the virus? Is their physical well being somehow less important than your financial well being?

I have an idea, what if the government stepped in to help PEOPLE instead of corporations that time and time again prove they don't give a shit about the working person. The government should be the safety net that protects BOTH of these at risk groups. Look at the trillions of dollars that have been pumped into wall street over the past month. Look at big corporations that got millions of dollars of bailout money supposed to be for small businesses. Why not put that money in the hands of the people who truly need it? What not take the 20 million dollars given to a high end steak restaurant and give it to people who need to pay their rent? Why is Ruth Chris surviving more important than all of the people that need to pay rent? Seems like a pretty easy way to remedy both sides, but no, protect the corporations at all costs!

To your comment about taxes being generated from just people, this is just not true. You can tax, wait for it, corporations. On top of all of that, this stimulus money isn't coming from taxes. It's being printed by the fed.

Finally people complaining about billionaires is part of the solution to this. Forget money and think about the resources. Money might seem infinite, but resources are definitely finite. When a small group of people have the overwhelming majority of the resources it doesn't matter if you're allowed to go back to your underpaying job because you will never get ahead. You can work and do everything right, but it won't matter because there is nothing you can do to make finite resources infinite. This wouldn't be a problem if there was any type of fair distribution of wealth.

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