A cow trying to catch snowflakes.

I already said that I'm not talking about environemental issues here, hence I'm not argueing about wether it's good or bad for the planet. Of course it's bad.

Humans still are a part of the animal kingdom, it's not like we're outside of it. The way we kill them is just way different (and worse for earth) from animals. But not as bad in terms of how the animal itself dies.

And you might aswell say "for our pleasure" to every animal. Cats don't need to eat meat either. It's just part of out diet and culture. I myself am currently bodybuilding and on a hard diet which mostly consists of milk, meat and eggs, which would be extremely hard to replace and still get everything I need without filling myself up the whole time. There are some decent alternatives, but regarding basic plants and other substances, it's hard to come close to how good things like milk and eggs are to get quick muscle and not eating a ton. I don't need to eat meat for this diet, but I ain't gonna stuff myself with 10 times the volume in greens or even artificial substances. Mostly because I'm underweight so I'm not used to eating much.

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