CPTSD Subreddit is not a safe place

Shame is a thing so many of us struggle with, and it’s a great sign of progress in your healing that it no longer holds u captive. Same with shifting from the victim mentality when you’ve literally been a victim almost all your life. It takes a long time to get there. Maybe that’s what triggers others.

I was so shamed growing up that any sign of confidence in myself was used to make me feel arrogant, undeserving of praise and more of a target to my family. Confidence in myself was vilified, and success shot down and I was made to feel ashamed about ever feeling anything positive about myself. Made to perpetually feel ashamed and worthless. Maybe your confidence was a trigger to someone or they misunderstand it.

It’s very difficult to break free of the shame and find confidence, yet simultaneously battling other areas you’re still struggling to overcome. Somedays it’s one step forward, two steps back. We can only use it for helping us better explore this difficult puzzle that CPTSD has created in us, and it’s different for all of us. We’re all so very similar, yet our paths towards healing zig and zag. It’s an exhausting journey.

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