CRA has double standard for tax cheats | Toronto Star

The CPC actually did a variety of things other than what you mentioned.

First off, they appointed Andrew Truesch as Commissioner with an straight-forward approach: Do what CFIB wanted. I'm not even joking. HQ launched a national course telling every auditor & collector in the country how bad small businesses have it and how much more benefit of the doubt should be given to them. At the same time, they lead a charge to cut all taxpayer driven services such as counter services and in-person client services. It went from an organizational attitude of helping individuals to helping businesses. The reasoning given? Small & medium businesses are the largest taxpayers -- except they included tax paid by their employees as having been paid by small & medium enterprises. That's not grossly misleading in general, but it is when they use it to justify shifting services from those employees to their employers.

They scaled back on international auditors until public pressure mounted. Then they gave more money for international auditors, basically reversing their own cuts, but touted it as new funding as if they never cut it in the first place.

And that was after years of refusing to give reasonable wages to PIPSC members even as the CRA has been unable to hire and retain qualified professionals in large cities. They have had to resort to putting offices in small towns, hiring there, and then flying those people into the large cities.

They put in a mandate that appeals needed to be settled sooner. The result is that the appeals division went from a mandate of being an independent review of a notice of objection to a mandate of getting rid of cases, proper application of the law or not. Everything is settled or vacated, even when taxpayers are clearly wrong.

I mean, doing the right thing was absolutely stripped from CRA culture under the CPC. The organizational culture left to the LPC was: obtain the most money for the least effort and don't think about the long-term compliance problems from it. That's the future's problem.

The result? GST examinations performed by under-qualified individuals in 7 hours instead of GST audits performed by professionals in 60 hours. Why is no one complaining? Because accountants love it. It isn't hard to help a client when you have a professional accountant up against a high school graduate limited to 7-10 hours.

The CPC basically turned the CRA into a joke, except no one is laughing out loud because medium & large enterprises and their accountants don't want the public to realize it.

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