Cracked goes full Gawker

I actually mostly or somewhat agree with 3 of 5 points.

DLC That Comes Out Too Soon After Release

People complain because it's a cash grab, and it depends on the context, and it often is when DLC is released so soon or isn't even that extensive. But the line is somewhat arbtirary. Was Dead Kings, the DLC for Unity released 2 months after the core game too soon? (It was free, but only due to Unity's bugs. It was originally to be paid for.)

The Death of Couch Multiplayer

Their point about getting a Wii U is a valid one. I bought a Wii U specifically for Nintendo's first-party titles, of which most emphasize local multiplayer.

Meanwhile, I still predominantly play sports titles for local multiplayer on systems like 360 or One. And 360 still had some great local multiplayer titles from board games like Carcassonne or Ticket to Ride, to Trials or Crash Course or Bomberman.

The criticism at Xbox and Playstation becomes more abotu the types of games not so much just local vs online multiplayer. Beyond games like Rayman, how many Mario Bros or Smash Bros or Mario Kart type games exist on Xbox and PS?

Hating a Game Because It's Not What You Wish It Was

Sometimes these criticisms are valid, sometimes they're not. If a game promised specifically to be certain things, then they are valid criticisms if the game doesn't live up to it.

But often, people's criticisms are built off their own expectations, not promises by the game.

In other cases, gamer expectations are based on presumptions. Take NHL 15 for example, where the bulk of criticisms were due to the game omitting many features and modes found in previous (last gen) versions. EA and the NHL team never promised any of those features, and actually promised many other new features (for which it delivered), but because of their own reputation which established certain expectations, people were pissed.

So in some cases, it's a grey area where people have a right to complain, but those complaints may or may not be valid depending on how you view the context.

Criticism About Social Issues

The problem here is really whehter the criticisms are valid, and ultimately whether they're relevant. If they are based on erroneous information or information out of context, to the point the criticisms are essentially intended to slander the game, then yes they are problems.

Or if the criticisms are largely arbitrary, then yes they can be problems, such as Unity's criticisms.

The Console/PC War

I've actually made similar comments before. As someone who games on multiple consoles and PC, and have for a while, the biggest problem with PC gamers is both a hubris and an inability to understand differing user needs and preferences. There are situations were a console is better for a specific user. This is not debatable. Basically, neither one is universally better because that largely depends on what the user needs and wants are relative to the benefits of each product. It's as silly as debating between Android and iOS.

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