Crappiest and Happiest moment in 2016?

Happiest: There's been a few. I was at a conference in Oct and then went traveling for 10 days after and had an amazing time (I have spent most of my life in hospital so doing things like this is HUGE for me). Got to meet people I have known online for years and see places I have wanted to visit forever so that was really cool. :)

Crappiest: Not sure about a single moment. There's been some really difficult patches this year. The day Jo Cox was murdered stands out as an especially awful day. I was at a campaigning event that was all politicians and journalists, so we were getting news fed through live as it was coming from the hospital and they were trying to keep the event running because at that point, there wasn't much information but everyone knew Jo personally so there was a lot of distraction but we weren't sure quite what had happened or how bad it was. Jo died later that afternoon and campaigning was suspended so it turned out to be one of the last events. The whole thing was just horrible.

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