"Crazy Ex's" of reddit. What is your side of the story?

He is in fact the one who is crazy. I've posted about this guy before and in addition to all the stupid "tests" he would secretly give me (and yell at me when I "failed"), the constant put downs, and physical rejection (closet case) I developed a nice case of the depressions. He would emotionally torment me until I cried so that he could lecture me for being weak.

Calling him out on this makes me "crazy". This from the man who screams at strangers, calls unfamiliar women fat/bitches, lies constantly for personal gain, and will change his mind mid sentance and WOE BETIDE the one who doesn't agree with literally every single convoluted theory/belief he has because if you don't subscribe exactly to his extremely narrow-minded beliefs you are "stupid" and "moronic" and of course "crazy".

The funny part is that he thinks he's really open-minded because he supports LGBTQ equality. Like that's it. He calls himself a feminist but let me tell you honey, a feminist and a mama's boy are not the same thing. Their relationship was so fucked up. He's a 36 year old man who can't do a day without mommy who's also paying his bills (which I didn't know right away. ew)

What seals him in as the crazy one for me is that after our break up I met a really nice guy who loves me for me and treats me really well and is supportive. About 6 months in he proposed and I accepted ( I know it's fast but it worked for us and things are going great several years in).

Motherfucker told everyone I was lying and my engagement was fake. We hadn't spoken in a year! I only found out by running into mutual friends and introducing them to my fiance. They said "Oh, It's REAL?!"

But yeah. I'm the crazy one.

/r/AskReddit Thread