She was crazy as hell

I mean you're swearing a lot and whether you're angry or not it really doesn't inspire an actual conversation on this subject. Downvote me all you want but I'm just trying to talk to you about this and you're not making it easy.

100% I would be scared if someone was trying to slow me down, especially if I'd just done what she did, but then we circle around to "I like to think I'd have stopped at the scene if I was in her position" so that kinda nullifies what I'd do. She must know she hurt someone and that's why she's being chased.

I do wonder what the biker's plan was though. Maybe just to stop her so he could call the police - he went straight to them when he saw them so I would guess that's the case. That wouldn't require her to get out of the car. Just to turn her engine off and wait. Yeah he kicked her car, and yeah that'd be scary, but I don't know if you've ever been involved in, or seen road rage, to calm down from that level to focus on getting her to stop takes a lot, and he definitely did that here.

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