The crazy incels hate us

You don't need to link to a subreddit to brigade it. If people from here are going to r/incels and voting/ commenting, they're brigading. And r/cringeanarchy thread about r/incels usually have links to r/incels inside them. For example, when opening this thread the second comment you see is a link to this thread.

No, retard, reading comprehension is a thing remember. Im saying you could be banned for brigading everyone all the time which ya do.

That doesn't happen.

ummmhmm. Suuuuuuure. Citation needed fuckwit.

Citation needed that r/incels doesn't brigade every day? You made the claim originally, go find 7 threads brigaded by r/incels in the last 7 days.

Thats simply not true. I saw them there after one of you spergs told me about them.

I'm a mod there on a different account, no posts about you were ever removed.

No it wasnt, the thread title specifically told you spergs to stop invading other subreddits. I knew you guys were simple, but this simple? come on dude.

The thread you are thinking of is this, you shouldn't insult people when you are completely wrong.

And yet they did.

That is interesting, but probably very rare.

Yeah well you also said you dont hate women and then completely dropped that when I provided a comment where you directly said women have no brains, clearly we cannot trust your ability to read. As well as your claim that having a memory is autism we also cannot trust your memory.

I dropped that because I don't care about defending a comment from over 3 weeks ago.

As well as your claim that having a memory is autism we also cannot trust your memory.

What about you thinking you have a group of incels stalking you specifically? Gave up that idea yet?

/r/CringeAnarchy Thread Parent Link -