I created a page for NANO on Wikipedia, please improve it so it will be accepted!

Here's a nag post:

it's own blockchain

Its... this is a possessive pronoun.

vote on transactions that they consider as valid

They vote on all of them, not just the valid ones. In fact valid or not is a result of the voting.

Since NANO isn't mined, transactions also don't have any fees.

This isn't logical. You can have a mineable currency without fees too. Or currencies that aren't feeless, but it's not because they aren't mined. The USD is feeless and not mined. But it also isn't a cryptocurrency so this doesn't surprise anyone.

And in general the paragraph ... I mean usually that's where the introduction paragraph is. It should say something like "Nano is a feeless very fast cryptocurrency started in 201x by Colin LM" or something. Then the table of contents, and the rest of the article would be technical specs, controversies, bomber, and sources.

Good luck though. It shouldn't be too hard, Nano got mentioned at least 12000 times in combination to BG.

/r/nanocurrency Thread Link - en.wikipedia.org