Is creating a highly detailed city in a video game a form of art? /r/CitiesSkylines seems to think so, while one user adamantly disagrees.

You guys seem to be enjoying engaging with my comments so i'll leave 'em up there.

Art is indeed completely subjective, and that encompasses my subjectivity on what I find to be artistic, too. I play a lot of sim games hence being subbed to r/CitiesSkylines, and never feel like i'm making art when playing them. It's more akin to a paint by numbers sort of deal, inside a heavily restricted framework as opposed to a free and open form of creativity. I don't personally see any artistic value in that, which is fine. My biggest error in that thread was forgetting that in the eyes of those people it is art, and I had some good back and fourth with people who didn't get upset, smash the downvote button and call me an idiot.

Should've posted it in r/unpopularopinion though lol.

/r/SubredditDrama Thread Link -