Crew Finder Mechanic and Ship/Player Reputation systems. how to make crew gameplay more rewarding and more efficient / fun.

i don't care much about the "Ship name" I'm trying to figure out ways to first off get players together in game, make it streamlined, have incentives to BUY ships with $$$.
but i don't rule out the system could work for UEC ships too and it should be a phased system meaning pledge backers first, see if it's successful then open it to UEC ships then eventually make the crew system F2P for anyone who downloads the game with a basic account after SQ42 comes out it would be a quick way to get people to try the gameplay then get the Based game with the PU.

as for friends and org. this system would bennfit you also because you can mark friends and org exclusive play like any LFG system in other games.

This idea stems from my personal problems with trying to get a full crew for a MOLE and it taking too long, it shouldn't, people want to learn to mine can be taught by pilots in this method which can really help players learn the game mechanics without spending money to buy those Mining ships with UEC in game,

the game is already at a state where a system like this would give CIG more analytical data such as what gameplay loops people are doing, how often players log in, is the system more used than just spawning in, locations where they are playing so eventually they can use the quanta system to spread resources and suppress it elsewhere getting a more dynamic system in play.

I don't look at star citizen as a GAME like most people i look at is as a simulated lived in verse, the hassle of finding friends who are ACTIVE is a chore, most accounts are INACTIVE there are other methods i would like CIG to try especially with Dynamic zone chat for instance but any system that can create analytical data on characters ships gameplay and log in times is VERY useful data for marketing hence VERY profitable.

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