The Crimson Tide Breaks!

Kuroyam and The White Knight Part One

The two marines Kuroyami and John Hawkwood, both swordsmen, looked over the chaos. John turned to Kuroyami.

"Well looks like it's a perfect moment for you to let loose. Go do your thing. But please don't hurt any female pirates, they're just confused and trying to fight in this man's world!"

" I'd leave any alive to take advantage of you and your bleeding heart."

The one-eyed swordsman hopped down from the platform he and John were standing on.

"Do you wanna know who also bleeds, every month? WOMEN! You should give them more of a break every now and then and try to be more understanding. Uhg, such a disgrace."

The one-armed swordsman followed his handicapped compatriot down to try and put an end the carnage that befell all the people of this island.

"Imagine all the poor women, all these pirates, goodness knows they're wreaking havoc upon them in order to help their self-esteem and try to make their last moments alive as happy as possible. Tsk tsk."

The man walked along, his armor clanking along with every step he took. It's pristine shined showed which side he belonged too. It was bright white and incredibly polished, with any marks and dents buffed out. His one hand held his broadsword, ready for any pirate scum that happens to cross his path.

In comes the orange fishman who swam on to the island with the help of John Battman's boat. He had gotten into the town once all the commotion had broken loose and pirates were running amok.

Walking down one alley trying to stay hidden with his fishman camouflage. As he was sneaking along he found one pirate, a very skinny and pale looking wearing a suit like attire and he almost resembled a skeleton, who was about to kill a woman.

"JEHAHAHAHA! I've found you all by yourself. Especially since you have your child with you too."

"No, please! Just leave us alone you stupid pirates! The marines will get you and-!"

"Ah ah ah! Shush! The circle of life says that since you've served your purpose and spawned new life, some life must leave. To keep the cycle flowing. You understand yes?" He said menacingly with a toothy grin.

"STOP, YOU FOUL CREATURE!" Shouted the white knight who had come upon the situation.

With his sword running through the mother. "Huh?" Said the skeleton.

" disgrace...YOU DO NOT DESERVE THE AIR WHICH YOU BREATHE! NAY YOU ARE NOT WORTHY TO EVEN LICK THE SOIL OFF THAT WOMAN'S SHOES! By God, she was a mother too? Of...of...of a baby girl..." The knight had to take a kneel and he dropped his sword as he held his one hand on his heart.

The skeleton only stared on at the white knight in confusion.

The knight stood up with his fist clenched, and looked at the skeleton through the slits in his helmet.


He picked up his sword and ran at the pirate who tried to block his attack, but failed due to the amount of strength in the white knight's one arm which was fueled by his rage.

His broadsword slammed down into the pirate's skinny neck killing him instantly. The knight left his sword in the dying pirate as he let him drop to the ground. John then walked over to the small child who was now crying. Cradling her in his arms

“The old code. A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only true virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His might upholds the weak. His words speak only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked. I must uphold this and the rules of chivalry if I wish to show my face to the world…” He said underneath his helmet.

While still holding the baby, he went to his sword and kicked it up and caught it underneath his arm. Starting up once again he walked out to continue saving those who would be affected by the pirates on the island as well as to find a safe space for the child.

Minor took this moment to leave, while he did he threw up some of the dirt and dust from the ground. He didn’t pay too much attention to his as he was trying to just leave the scene. As he fled the scene, the knight looked behind him to see the dust scattered all around.

“Hmm, seems we’re dealing with another pirate nearby. Worry not I shall protect you.”

John took a moment to put down the child and move the sword to his hand.

“Where are you pirate?! If you don’t come out now I’ll only find you later! I respect you for not actively harming the citizens but you harm them passively purely by existing here! Your evil and corruption may spread to them. Please for all our sakes I implore you to reveal yourself!”

Minor paid no heed to the knight as he left.

“Tch such a shame. No honor. No matter I’ll find him later. Let us make our leave my darling. Hoh oh my I guess I shouldn’t call you that. It seems weird now that I say it out loud.”

He then proceeded to walk off with the child.

The fishman continued on his journey on the island to see if he could find the rest of his crew. As he wandered along in silence he spotted another swordsman. He was walking alone down the street. He was covered in medical what seemed to be old medical gauze everywhere except his one eye. As for the rest of his clothing if you could even call the gauze that was his pants, shoes and a large barrel which contained a vast amount of swords.

The man walked along the streets until he stopped right outside the alley where Minor was in.

‘Woah what’s he doing? He couldn’t possibly see me…’

The strange man stood there and slowly his breathing started to get heavier and heavier. Which eventually leads up to him laughing.

“You think you can hide pirate? I heard you walking, and I can smell the sea off of you. I don’t know where you are exactly but I know you’re here.”

The man continued laughing and slowly untied all the knots keeping the gauze on his body. Once he finished, all the gauze remained on his body until, in one fell swoop, he took a sword from the barrel on his back and quickly sliced the medical tape off.

When he did it revealed his body covered in scars. A strange thing Minor noticed was that all the scars seemed self-inflicted, and in sets of five. Another curious thing he noticed is that there still was some gauze covering the left side of his face.


The man looked around as he set the barrel that was on his back down. From it, he took two normal looking swords. He starting sniffing in every general direction. Front, back, left. Right. Then he stopped when he was looking down the alley Minor was in.

“Alright now. I know where you are so please come out.”

Having no choice left seeing as how he’d been discovered, and since the alley was too short and narrow to escape in, he uncloaked from his camouflage.

“Ah, I see. A fishman that’s how you were able to do it huh? Well, I’m sorry Mr. Fishman but you’re certainly not a marine so you have to die.”

The man raised his swords, but then paused for a moment.

“You’re a Pretender too huh?”

“A Pretender?”

“Just a guess from your eyes, sorry.”

/r/StrawHatRPG Thread