Crown/recrown them both? Long journey.

Last year, insurance kicked in and I was able to see a dentist. I had bone loss around #17, #18, #19, and #20. As you can see, I lost 17, 18, and 19.

The dentist with new insurance also recommended I get #20 retreated (it was previously RTC), which we did. He also recommends that I recrown #20, and I put a crown on #21 WITHOUT a root canal. And of course, that I get a 1st molar implant, and a 2nd molar implant if I would like to restore the set.

Is a recrown good on #20? Does it look to be healing/salvagable? And would crowning #21 without a root canal be a good idea? He says I may not need it and why spend the cash now for a procedure we may not need if he can get it cleaned up from the leaky filling, and put a crown over it.

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