Crybaby millennials need to stop whinging and work hard like the rest of us.

I hold out hope for my prediction: the whiners are just the new generation's hippies. The overwhelming majority will eventually grow up, sell out, and retain the more valid points their opinions have to make some lasting social changes for society while becoming firmly entrenched in the establishment. Those that continue to stick to their idiocy and predilections for pusscake mindsets will be crushed by reality and end up the weird fuckers at the end of the street who send their unliked kids to some alternative school while selling wax melts at a flea market (I do love wax melts, btw). While cliche, "you got to get along to go along" holds a certain validity when it comes to productive societal functionality.

I likewise predict that (eventually) the majority of the parents that coddle these self-obsessed and entitled turds will grow weary of, and possibly financially incapable of, continuing to provide cushy pillows to soften their existences and "struggle." Nobody likes spending their hard-earned money on a recalcitrant 30-something with a smug sense of moral superiority after they realize that the kids' inability to support themselves is largely the result of their own inability to compromise, or achieve a level of unselfish maturity.

Necessity is the mother of invention and, as such, they'll have to do what everyone has had to do when the cold and unforgiving face of reality sets its gaze upon them: either swallow their pride and ego and put up, or keep spewing out idiocy until they're an insignificant, mocked, and largely forgotten relic of their past's naivete, angrily shaking their fists at a deaf and blind population over the perceived unfairness of it all.

This is just my hope for it, anyway. The alternative, to me, is rather terrifying. The entitled mentality, allowed to fester, could spread like a cancer and behave as such: it'll weaken the fabric that binds society until it tears and causes irreparable damage to everything the last few generations have built. While flawed, destruction is not what is needed, obviously. Progress and sustainable improvement should be the goal, not some half-assed wannabe douche utopia whose ideals were fomented in intro to gender studies and creative writing courses at weak-willed universities.

/r/TheWorstGeneration Thread Link -