Has crypto ruined anyone else's life?

I had a very similar experience. But definitely not enough to retire on or anything and I pulled out a lot earlier than I should have as if I sold at the ATH I would have been a millionaire. I only have a few more months of money left before I go broke which will mean almost 2 years since working a real job.

Last year I had enough to quit my job and I was "responsible" with my new wealth and left to another country because it was a cheaper option, to try and get into college as I was a highschool drop out. Unfortunately I didn't pass the entrance exams despite a lot of preparation.

So I traveled for 8 months. Now I'm doing some freelancing for a couple blockchain companies to get some income. But between not having a structured routine and having my dreams crushed of having a "career" because of my bad experience at that school I feel very much the same.

And just to qualify I definitely did not have as much as you. Enough not to work, but I was traveling fairly frugally and not eating out really or going to expensive hotels or restaurants or anything.

/r/CryptoCurrency Thread