Crystal structure of SARS-CoV-2 main protease provides a basis for design of improved α-ketoamide inhibitors - Given these favorable pharmacokinetic results, our study provides a useful framework for development of the pyridone-containing inhibitors toward anticoronaviral drugs.

I've been studying biochemistry for the past 5 years so i'm a bit of a weirdo and also a nerd when it comes to this stuff. I also do research in a computational structural biology lab, where we simulate protein movement using computers. So i'll try to break this down a bit more: as stated by the person above me, in proteins structure dictates function. The function of the protease is to cut the protein chain produced by the virus that then becomes machinery which hijacks the cell and uses it to make more virus. If that function is blocked, the protein chain parts cannot fold into a functional 3D conformation because it does not have the right length or sequence. Hopefully that clarifies things a bit further.

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