CS 125 for an incoming freshman with no prior CS experience?

I would replace MCB 150 with CS 125 as MCB 150 seems to only be necessary if you want to do BIOE. And you should take CS 125 if you are thinking of doing CS at all. I took MCB 150, CHEM 104/105, MATH 241 and CS 125 with no prior experience as well and ended up having to drop MATH 24 and replacing with a gen-ed due to the high workloads of MCB 150 and CS 125. I took the class with Chapman but have been a CA for Challen for two semesters and from what I've seen it takes even more time to do well not and it might be hard to keep up and do well in all four courses your first semester and you really need a high GPA if you want to transfer to any of the more competitive majors including CS.

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