CS 2022 September Entry: Please List your Firm and Insurance choices.

I'm in love with Software Engineering, decided it's the area I want to devote my life towards so I don't want to rush things. I won't have as much training as BSc in CS. I also want as many options as I can to open me to the whole of CS although my heart is set on Web/mobile technologies.

I also have the option to take the funding for the masters after a CS.

Besides I'm not a recent graduate and time has made me forget most of my 1st BSc content so I doubt any decent uni would look at me. Lastly I was shocked Southampton gave me an offer in last December! and honestly I've never felt alive more so than when I was a student with structure and a path.

It's daunting but the rewards are exponential, I have faith in my discipline and my abilities, 3 years will fly by and I'll look back at how pitiful my life was. After the transition I will appreciate life more than most students can understand

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