CS Majors who applied to UPenn ED (or any t20 ed for that matter), what are ur CS-related ECs / Awards? and where did you apply?

Started a facebook competitor targeted towards Syrian refugees. Refugees in their respective countries can connect and discuss their situation. We've so far had thirty meet ups organized on this app from Switzerland to even a few in Israel.

Interned at largest hospital in my country (Mexico) and reworked their website. Before there were thousands of complaints of the websites functionality. I rewrote the website from the ground up basically and increased traffic by 1030% (before the site was so bad people mostly used physical mail to check in etc).

Applying to all top schools on US news so don't think you're safe from my application. I am competing with you and if you somehow get into any of my schools which I attend (still deciding whether Im attending Harvard or Berkeley on full ride atm) I will make sure to convince them to kick you out.

Good day sir!

/r/ApplyingToCollege Thread