Cuck level 9000 unlocked!

To be honest, I do not want to argue with you about this topic because you are a mod here. But I will try to explain my point. It's not out of any kind of malice on my part that we are disagreeing.

I just don't know why people on this sub are slowly turning more and more bigotted and puritan about who can help us and who we should align with. With rhetorics like yours, we are literally stripping away everyone who could possibly agree with us and just end up in a self circle jerking cycle.

My point here is that WMAF hapas agree with us on a very superficial level. It is only because mainstream white society has grouped them in with us that they feel obligated to help us.

The leader of r/hapa probably helped our cause 100x more than you have ever done. Be sure to do as much as he has done, before you propose bigotry towards them.

Again, I have said that I have nothing against hapas as individuals. His contribution to the cause is based on being a hapa. What has he done to contribute to the cause for full Asian Americans? He has no interest in full Asians, nor does he care about the welfare of full Asians. I read that subreddit. Their interest lies in the poisonous nature of the WMAF relationship, but in WMAF itself. If WMAF families were nice and wasn't based on white worship, they would have no problems with that.

That's simply zero sum thinking. It is stupid we even have to discuss why this is untrue. Why don't you have more full asian children, instead of thinking about decreasing WMAF children?

It's zero sum thinking because it is a zero sum game. There exists a finite number of Asian men and Asian women in this society. If more Asian women out date than Asian men, what happens to those Asian men? It is a zero sum game because people do not appear out of thin air like magic.

It's strange that this is the one topic that I get resistance from full Asians.

I just don't know why people on this sub are slowly turning more and more bigotted and puritan about who can help us and who we should align with.

I have NEVER actually said hapas do not contribute to the cause of bringing down white supremacy. I'm saying that WMAF hapas themselves are a product of white supremacy. Again, we believe that because we are few in numbers that we need all the help we can get, but then we end up associating with people with their own interests that do not align with ours fundamentally.

WMAF hapas that want to speak out against white supremacy will do so regardless of how full Asians feel about them. This is because their hatred of white supremacy lies in them being half white but still not accepted.

This is the problem of not focusing on real actions and thinking about who you can get help from to get something done, instead constantly being mired in abstract ideological debates, so the movement get more and more puritan. It is useless.

What is the point of real action when it is action in the wrong direction? If the direction is not right, then the action does not matter, you will never reach your goal anyways.

Why don't you have more full asian children, instead of thinking about decreasing WMAF children?

A man can have maybe 10 children max. Society's poison creates millions of WMAF hapas.

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