Cultural Exchange with r/zensurlos, a German subreddit for freedom of speech

Greetings from Brazil.

So, that is based only in personal opinion but it is also shared by a majority of the Brazilians: PT is garbage, they destroyed the economy, there were Also a myriad of corruption scandals involving them but only a few of corrupt politicians were actually punished. I don't think Bolsonaro is the best but no way we should've chosen corrupt PT over him. I like many of the ministers, even though I disagree with some, but there haven't been any major changes yet, especially because it has been only a few days since he took over. Bovespa in on quite a high so I guess investors are optimistic.

Brazilians want guns to be legal. We had a referendum a few years ago where the majority said they wanted guns but it was ignored. He plans on making it easier for us to own one (it is legal but it is quite hard to own one, so it's almost impossible).

About the majority, that's complicated. Brazil has so many parties and most of them don't really care about ideology. They'll side with who has the power, so Bolsonaro can achieve the majority as long as he forms an alliance with these parties.

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