
His wife they do. The Queen Charlotte having mixed race origins are entirely from this one guy, a Portuguese historian called Mario de Valdes y Cocom who I don't know has written any books. And based on her portraits, and entirely her "look". And if you read historic novels written by white writers, esp with the odd Jewish or black character (like Miss Schwartz in Thackerey's Vanity Fair), the fixations with hair and skin tone is pretty vile. So people of colour certainly existed but usually not allowed to move freely in society. But "you look like a" terms were also common as insults to white people.

This is the sort of thing DNA could actually look into tbh - hair samples being around as jewellery from that era for example. If there was a chance she was not white, then people at the time would have vetoed the marriage I would imagine. How come her children never appeared as black either? You can trace someone's ancestry in the upper classes so who her father and mother where in this nobody says.

Usually some kind of classist and xenophobic quote as well. There is a parallel idea that Europeans must "look a certain way" - usually stemming from Eugenics and similar ideas on a sliding racial scale of "good" and "bad" coming from the US "1 drop" rule meaning if you are 1/16 black you are counted as not-white. If you happen have a trait or two, it is commented upon that "haha you must not be white enough like me". Still happens today. People think Rita Ora is a black American. People say Alicia Vikander doesn't "look Swedish to me". Usually Americans tbh.

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