Culture Exchange: Welcome /r/hanguk! Today we're hosting /r/hanguk for a cultural exchange!

Hello /r/newsokur!

It's seems to be clear that the majority of Japanese don't really have anything against South Korea, just like how majority of Koreans do not have anything against Japan. However, there still are people who disagree/have a negative viewpoint against each culture. So I want ask where the netativity against South Korea (Despite it being a minirity, I think this will allow me to have a wider perspective between Japan and Korea) derrives from, and what the reasoings are behind these viewpoints.

I know this is a sensitive topic. But I think this will allow both cultures to see what we couldn't have seen before, and leaves room for improvement and better understanding towards our cultures.

To start off, I'm going to share the perspective of some of the South Koreans which do not particularly like the Japanese (Most of these are gathered from the news and social media). I am not justifying the hatred, but showing you all where the hate originated from.

*위안부 (Comfort women). Most of the Koreans do not like the attitudes and actions taken by the Japanese government with the comfort women issues between Korea and Japan. In the world wars, the Imperial Japanese kidnapped severall korean ladies to be used as sexual slaves. I agree that we should not hate the Japanese for actions taken in the past, but the actions taken in the past shouldn't be justified in the modern day society, and that's where most of the hate comes from. Koreans believe that they deserve an apology, and proper action taken by the Japanese government instead of turning it into history, which, is pretty bitter for us to take.

*독도 (Dokdo/also known as Dakeshima in Japan). As you all know, the dokdo/dakeshima dispute has been an ongoing issue for decades. As prideful citizens of a prideful country, most of us believe that the islands shouldn't be treated as Japanese land, and frowns upon the Japan when the Japanese shows any related attitudes towards these islands.

*일제강점기 (Japanese occupation period). Despite being a thing of the past, a lot of the Koreans still hold a grude against the Japanese for this tragic event. A comparison is frequently made with the Germans and the Jewish. The main idea is that the German government officially apologised towards the people and the newer generations who suffered during the times of Nazi germany, and provides economical support towards Israel each year. Most South Koreans are furious that the Japanese government did not take enough action to be seen as an apology.

These are the three main things I could think of. Sorry if these do not make any sense, or have a lack of evidence. I tried to gather the most from my memory and the contents might be sloppy since I'm writing this on my phone.

Please understand that this was done to provide understanding towards each culture. I know this may not be appreciated, and may seem inappropriate. But i think sharing our perspectives would lead both of our countries in a better relationship. So, please feel free to share your/the other's perspectives which may come off as negativity. Negativity may be bitter, but always seem to leave a room for improvement.

/r/newsokur Thread