Cuphead has sold a million copies

Ok. So heres my whole stance on the fandoms.

All of this bad fandom bullshit is just a radical generalization made by people who choose to focus on the negatives rather than the positives.

The truth about fanbases is that they're not just a collective hivemind of people who just scream catchphrases and memes, a lot of them are talented artists, VAs, and just generally nice people.

The people you're discribing are the rabid fans. Every fanbase has them. And they've had them for YEARS!

Remember when Sherlock Holmes was killed off, only to be brought back by angry fans that couldn't accept that he was dead?

Every fanbase has its weirdos, but once you push aside the negativity and look at the positivity, you can actually find some good people in there.

Despite all of this, the Internet chooses to generally seek out the porn and cringe compilations and keep this hate filled "fandoms are bad" circlejerk alive rather than just getting to know some of them personally..

Sometimes the hate gets so extreme that it can lead to bullying. All for committing the crime of enjoying something they like.

For example, I like Melee, but I don't talk about it not because of the fandom, but because people will automatically lump me in with the rabid side and not give me a chance to defend myself. Doesn't that sound just a wee bit harsh to you?

Point is, yes.. rabid fans exist. Rabid fans will always exist. But that doesn't mean EVERYONE in a fandom is fucking rabid.

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