Curb your rage quit

Reading the comments, idk why im getting all the hate lol. My friend told me he thought he saw someone quit after getting killed, i looked back at my prerecording because i wanted to save this small clip to show my friends (believe it or not, i dont get moments like these often because im not consistent) and sure enough that happened, so i made an edit that i thought would get some laughs.

Apparently im playing the game wrong based off the comments? Am i supposed to shuffle walk around corners with a gun i dont find fun while i play this game on my own time? Am i supposed to sit in a corner and wait for enemies to run past me?

Sorry if it seems like i took it personal, but for gods sake this sub needs to make up their mind. Do you hate campers? Do you hate rushers? How the hell am i supposed to play

/r/modernwarfare Thread Link -