Curious about benefits and interesting quirks to thinking with aphantasia

This has been discussed multiple times, and I don't believe that aphantasia has a significant effect on personality/ way of seeing the world/ whatever else. I imagine that we have the same spread of people as the population, just without the ability to see mental images. Regardless I'll give my personal views on the things you have listed.

  • I'm pretty good with spelling and vocabulary. Always been a strong reader, but not very interested in it anymore. I could say that a non aphant (NA) might say that they have better spelling and vocab because they have a rich imagination and are constantly describing it.
  • I'm logically creative (programming/math solutions). I'm physically creative (pick up quickly and tend to do well in sports and video games). I'm pretty good at MacGyvering things. I'm terrible with art and stories. I'm basically useless with a paint brush unless it's a single coloured wall and don't get me started on art. I struggle with playing RPGs because I can't get into the stories. I saw somewhere (maybe it was the film) that Alan Turing could build a machine in his head and run it to see where the problem would be. *
/r/Aphantasia Thread