Curious if it’s just me

Really bad flares can include stomach acid that hurts but not really shitting all over the place. It’s particularly bad when I get hives all over my body, it’s the equivalent to mosquito bites and look like them. If it’s bad enough my face swell, hives on eye lids and the side of my nose gets swollen huge. Once half my eyelid was puffy and couldn’t close. My sinus and nose will clog so bad it feels like my throat is closing but it’s usually fine. Just the pressure from behind my nose pushes down and it’s basically sealed shut. Before I was put on stabilizers I uses to sneeze 6–7 a minute.

I’ll get dead blotchy red mast cells that look like rashes that stay for a long time without steroids but that’s just normal and not a flare up..

/r/mastcelldisease Thread