Curious what your guys’ thoughts are since I haven’t seen any discussion on it; opinion on Amendment 76?

Only the citizens of a nation suffer the long term consequences of what they vote for, whereas non-citizens have the option to return to their original country.

I’m a US citizen, and only a US citizen. There is no fall back option for me. This is it.

I deleted my earlier comment but I disagree and by your reasoning dual citizens also shouldn't have the right to vote. I don't think non-citizens and dual citizens are more likely to make poor or uninformed decisions when voting than people that are only citizens of this country. Nobody wants to see the country they're living in fail or go through hard times, even when they have backup options. There are frankly a ton of willfully ignorant people born and raised in this country and I'm more concerned about them than about non-citizens. As for this amendment I voted no because it's a nonissue and a waste of time.

/r/Denver Thread