Current Win/Loss Streak Bonus Numbers?

I was looking this up a couple days ago and this is what I found: DESTINY 2 GLORY RANKINGS

The requirements to get from one Glory level to the next one are now confirmed. We have the world's first player to reach the maximum 5500 Pts - One_Second_Kill. A Ps4 PvP player with incredible skill. Congrats on the achievement!

Glory is obtained ONLY by wining Competitive games in the Crucible! Ranking starts from 0 points and caps at 5500 points. You lose points for each loss. There is a win streak bonus / lose streak penalty.

Average wins and win streaks point gain goes like that ( +20 / +25 / +30 / +40 pts ) after 5 wins it resets


  • Guardian (level 1) 0 - 199 pts

  • Brave (Level 2) 200 - 1049 pts

  • Heroic (Level 3) 1050 - 2099 pts

  • Fabled (Level 4) 2100 - 3499 pts

  • Mythic (Level 5) 3500 - 5449 pts

  • Legend (Level 6) 5450 - 5500 pts


  • Brave (200 pts) - Reward - Imminent Storm

  • Heroic (1050 pts) - Reward - The Button & Fire-Forged Chest Ornament

  • Fabled (2100 pts) - Reward - Redrix's Claymore legendary Pulse Rifle

  • Mythic (3500 pts) - Reward - Wishbringer

  • Legend (5450 pts) - Reward - Glory and Grandeur Gun Ornament & True Glory (Season 3)


Valor is obtained by playing in Quickplay and Rumble games in the Crucible! Ranking starts from 0 points and caps at 2000 points and can be reset after that. You DO NOT lose points for each loss. There is a win streak bonus.

Average wins and win streaks point gain goes like that ( +12/+17/+22/+27/+32 pts ) after 5 wins it resets


  • Guardian (level 1) 0 - 49 pts

  • Brave (Level 2) 50 - 299 pts

  • Heroic (Level 3) 300 - 699 pts

  • Fabled (Level 4) 700 - 1149pts

  • Mythic (Level 5) 1150 - 1799 pts

  • Legend (Level 6) 1800 - 2000 pts


  • Brave (50 pts) - Reward - Fire-Forged Leg Ornament

  • Heroic (300 pts) - Reward - The Marine pulse rifle

  • Fabled (700 pts) - Reward - Fire-Forged Arm Ornament

  • Mythic (1150) - Reward - Fire-Forged Head Ornament

  • Legend (1800) - Reward - True Valor

  • DOUBLE VALOR RESET gives you Alchemical Dawn Shell (Legendary Ghost Shell)

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