Currently studying MBBS eager to read all the terrorist comments pls do your worst

Found the U.S. census.

From what I've seen, heard, and read, those outside of the U.S. and many inside the U.S. whose racial heritage is as someone from a Middle Eastern country, do not consider themselves "white". Unless you're talking about Caucasians being the majority race in the Middle East, at which point you're just incorrect.

I'm not trying to stir up something. I'm just making a joke out of my racist ass father, but I don't understand what your point is, nor where you're getting the information you're spouting.

(If you're reading this and are a person from one of those countries that's classified as "Middle Eastern", I would love to know what your opinion on this topic is. Up until /u/Vaishsays comment, I have never met a person from the Middle East who didn't consider themselves a Person of Color.

Just to be clear, I have no qualms about being in the same category as a Middle Eastern person, nor do I feel it's my right to say which group they fall into. It just feels really reductive and white washy to say that those groups are white. I don't know how to adequately state my thoughts right now, so I apologize if it comes across as disrespectful or something else. I'll fully accept my ignorance on the topic, too. Someone more versed in the topic, tell me where I'm mistaken.)

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