A curse and a gift

How ironic! This is definitely a troll and you dumbasses can't even see that! Here is one perspective among many others.

I personally think that the smarter(overall intelligence) that you are/have the more you will want to explore/learn - excluding external factors such as low self image and the plufora of things that can hinder ones spirit/soul.

When in a healthy state and relatively smart it is almost second nature to be curious and troll because your brain will make more sense of the world(information given to it) and the more sense something makes, the less sense it makes.

The more you know, the more you know you don't know. The smarter you are, the more you will be aware of this and a natural trolling is bound to follow.

But there is definitely a link between being smart and trolling as “average” people statistically are more prone to just go home and watch tv and “consume” whereas “above average” are known to be more into trolling and being creative in some form or another instead of watching series after series of BS.

Have a nice day

/r/iamverysmart Thread Link - i.redd.it