Cursed baby, brother, and son

I have some suggestions/questions...

1) Would there be a mobile exclusive map introduced into the game?

2)Since the campaign is told through the comics and played through the events, is there a chance for Special Ops Missions to be added (Enemies would be using the same AI as the bots like PlasticFoods and SoccerMom but slightly tweaked).

3)Since the MP5 is named as the QQ9, Name the MP7 as QQ11.

4)Could we have a voting session for each season/series on a bundle we would like to be implemented.

5)Can the map "Skyjacked" be added into the game?

6)Can the map "Hijacked" be added into BR?

7)Could watches be added into the game as an option for customisation in the customisation slot for the operators.

8)Could Reticles be added in Seasonal Challenges, Lucky Draws, Crates, etc. Instead of the sprays and stickers? PLEASE

9)Since a new rarity of weapons have been added to lucky draws, could the legendary weapons see the same fate as the previous Epic weapons? (i.e. come to seasonal challenges, Bundles, etc.)

10)Is there any plans on implementing the original names of the guns?

11)Is it true that weapon skin concepts that are uploaded on the subreddit CANT be implemented into the game due to it being someone else's idea?(Risk of Plagerism)

12)Is there any decision made about replacing the Bullet Spread Accuracy with Idle Sway and Recoil Stabilization (Path.exe's recommendation)

13)I'm no game developer nor do I have any experience in coding, but I THINK that most of the bugs arising from the game could be due to the limitations on the game engine it runs on,(Please correct me if I'm wrong) so is there any plans on changing the entire game engine?

/r/dankmemes Thread Link -