Cursed Suicide Plan

I'd rather spend my entire savings account advertising a world record bungie attempt in a major city.. Thenweld a huge metal butt plug to a bungie cable, smear it in industrial adhesive; insert it as deep as I could. Then bungie out of a helicopter over a crowd of excitement and good cheer. My internal organs would be violently excavated: and my body would slam in to the ground like a meat accordion (right on target; my 1997 Lincoln towncar. As I explode over my car; a hidden speaker system will play calliope music and the junkie clowns I payed will juggle and tumble around my corpse. Moments later my entrails will rain down over the crowd, and some drunk guy will yell "Fuck yeah" while the rest of the crowd sits in stunned silence being covered in blood, shit, and bits of flesh.

But I like this guy's way too.

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