
The whole "it's just a normal flu" argument is so stupid. We are already well past 3x the deaths attributed to the "normal flu" in a given year, in roughly 7 months. And that is with all the lockdown measures, mask mandates, etc. That should make it pretty fucking apparent that had we treated this like any other flu and not had any lockdowns, not mandated masks and social distancing measures, the numbers would obviously be so much worse.

Again, we are at ~3.5x the normal flu deaths, in a little over half the time, with all the measures we've taken. If that doesn't show how serious that is, I don't know what to tell you.

Lastly, you realize that many countries around the world are taking this seriously, with their own mask mandates and lockdowns? It's a global pandemic, not a US one. Are you so narcissistic to believe that countries around the world would be playing along with a "hoax", just to fuck with Donald Trump and the US?

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