Custom Advancements Help (detecting player jump and fall)

Yeah, I thought commands would probably end up being the best way of doing it. I did manage to come up with this, but it doesn't seem to work:

{ "display": { "icon": { "item": "minecraft:elytra" }, "title": "Leap of Faith", "description": "Don't worry, just jump! Your faith in the Dark Lord will protect you from harm." }, "parent": "minecraft:custom/branch_a", "criteria": { "trigger_1": { "trigger": "minecraft:location", "conditions": { "position": { "x": { "min": -61.0, "max": -44.0 }, "y": { "min": 200.0, "max": 240.0 }, "z": { "min": 1729.0, "max": 1733.0 } } } }, "trigger_2": { "trigger": "minecraft:location", "conditions": { "position": { "x": { "min": -44.0, "max": -48.0 }, "y": { "min": 200.0, "max": 240.0 }, "z": { "min": 1729.0, "max": 1747.0 } } } }, "trigger_3": { "trigger": "minecraft:location", "conditions": { "position": { "x": { "min": -44.0, "max": -61.0 }, "y": { "min": 200.0, "max": 240.0 }, "z": { "min": 1747.0, "max": 1743.0 } } } }, "trigger_4": { "trigger": "minecraft:location", "conditions": { "position": { "x": { "min": -61.0, "max": -57.0 }, "y": { "min": 200.0, "max": 240.0 }, "z": { "min": 1747.0, "max": 1728.0 } } } } }, "requirements": [ ["trigger_1"], ["trigger_2"], ["trigger_3"], ["trigger_4"] ] }

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