custom smart playlist channel isn't loading?

I would be happy to update it to x0.9.x however i dont see it in the repo? is it in a separate dev repo? Regards to the problem, i made the mistake and selected tv shows instead of episodes. However I have a new issue now:

first channel playlist rule set to TV Show is Star Trek + ST:TNG + ST:DS9.... Works However Seinfeld get mixed in and tagged in the EPG as star trek (something very disturbing tuning into star trek and greeted with Jerry Seinfeld lol). i have specific rules on which show to select but it gets mixxed into the playlist still somehow on a kodi level. (i dont know if is because George yells KAHHN in one episode, a star trek reference)

Second Channel I have rules set to include a bunch of sitcoms, seinfield, frasier, etc.... but the show does not change. its just a bunch of frasier episodes back to back.

I also have a comedy tv channel setup from the stock psuedotv options and it works perfectly as it should, seinfield appears correctly on the epg, show changes after every episode.

any idea whats going on with this? seems like very strange behavior.

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