Customer service workers, what are some passive aggressive things you do at your job to piss off rude customers?

I'm a cashier and the store I work at clearances loads of seasonal items every few months. We almost always have a group of stuff at 75-90% off. Anyway, one day this woman in probably her mid twenties comes through my line with her friend. The friend is polite the whole time. The bitchy woman places two decorative boxes from the 75% off section on the counter. I ring them up, and as soon as I do I can see her eyebrows raise out of the corner of my eye and I know the question she's going to ask.

Our clearance signs say "(percent) off the marked price. Your price is shown on the yellow sticker."

COUNTLESS customers don't read it fully, and assume the marked price means the clearance price. This woman did too. She tells me they're 75% off and I say yes, they are. 75% off of $50 is $12.50. She repeats herself and I tell her again that yes, they are on sale. She tries to repeat herself again and I cut her off and say, "The signs says off of the marked price, and your price is on the sticker." She then cuts me off and I raise my hand to her face and tell her to let me finish. I stab my finger at the price tag, "75% off of $50 is $12.50. I thought that was easy math but I guess not for everyone." I looked up and this woman was getting so frustrated she was getting teary eyed. I could see the anger on her face. I ask her if she still wants them and she says no, because the sign is misleading. I tell her it's not if you know how to read English. Her friend had a separate transaction and she we were both extremely polite to each other. She might have been doing it because she was embarrassed, but I was doing it to piss off her bitch friend even more.

/r/AskReddit Thread